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A New War

Apr 29, 2016
A New War
  • From Tales of the Alliance comes a journal piece by one of The People. This information was first release by King Edric, after the signing of the treaty bringing The People into war on the side of the Northern Alliance:

    We had already lost our war, and instead it was our turn to ask for mercy, to take solace wherever our allies could place us.

    In our lonely world, I wept for those that had gone on, and wept for those that remained, what life would this be. Allies must be found, the joy of life seen once more, understood and re-analysed, until we can recognise it again within ourselves.

    Our own identities fractured, broken down for spare parts, to aid the movement of a select few. When the time came, there were five of use left, an ironic number for our ill-balanced existence.

    The new home a wonder to behold. A heart of fire, with the core of the mountain, surround by precious metals, and resources that would be of immediate use.

    We would once more regain identities, shedding those we carried to their own forms. It was by design we were placed here, our people to grow once more: to maybe fight the eternal foe.

    Our ambassador went forth, and found those mixed up in war, a treaty is reached.

    The Northern Alliance, for us in part, a new start to our war against the Liches.

    Survivor Four, Designation LoreKeeper