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The Demonic Pantheon

Feb 19, 2016
The Demonic Pantheon
  • The Demonic Pantheon

    The orcs and goblins follow the demons. They would say that they do not worship them but rather that they have a common understanding. Allies who share the Khan’s camp would do well to pay their respects to the Demonic Pantheon even if they are not profound followers.

    The Agreement(top)

    "The demons do not make us serve them we have chosen to do so. Long ago, our people were slaves, we were forced to serve our masters and we had no freedom. Our shaman reached out beyond the stars and found the demons. A bargain was struck, they gave us power and made us mighty, they brought us magic and taught us to fight and in return we agreed to become their allies and to serve them.

    We are free. Free to learn to become strong. The strong rule which is as it should be. Many of the demons are strong but an orc can become stronger than a demon and then that demon must serve the orc. All have this freedom. Our greatest are mighty like the Great Khan, Kargun who commands many orcs and goblins. Working with the demons, the Great Khan has managed to find a way to open a gateway to the Vale through which we will go to take what we need.

    Orcs are not foolish, we do not worship the demons but we know the truth that we are free to do as we choose, to become strong and to take what we need."

    The Nature of the Demon(top)

    The demons are very different from the gods. They are less benevolent and realise that not all mortals crave to be led and held in dominion. The demons saw in the orcs and goblins, a strong group of willing allies. The demons do not demand service but they do accept it. They recognise the skills within mortals and ensure those who follow them have the skills they require to further their own goals and encourage them to explore these skills and aid them in doing so.

    The Demonic Pantheon is much more diverse than the Three. The Khan is currently working in alliance with four powerful demonic entities of the demonic pantheon. They do not ask for worship and their gifts are traded not given freely with payment always being demanded in return.

    The Four(top)

    The Khan’s demonic allies, known by his followers as “the Four” are as follows:

    The Enticer(top)

    The Enticer rewards those bargain with her with gifts of guile and charm as well as other gifts of power and protection. She is a being of both deceit and honesty, providing both clarity of vision and the power of lies …

    The Unseen(top)

    The Unseen is a favourite of the more subtle and roguish element of society. He deals from the shadows and his followers prefer the more silent path …

    The Seer(top)

    The Seer bestows the gift of magic and rewards her followers accordingly. She is extremely interested in the vale and will bargain for knowledge and gifts from this magical place …

    The Rage(top)

    The Rage is pure anger and appeals to those who desire the power of the physical. He craves the souls of warriors fallen in battle and rewards greatly for the souls of great warriors that are pledged to him …

    Among the Four, it is the Enticer that has lead negotiations with the Great Khan regarding the expedition into the Vale. It is the Enticer who has struck the deal with the Great Khan and the Lich King to open the Demon gate to the Vale although and the Seer has been instrumental in opening the portal through which the Khan’s followers will travel.

    Other demons(top)

    In addition to the Four who are associated with the Great Khan, there are an unknown number of other demons. These demons will have their own objectives and goals and their own interests. No doubt they will come to the Vale at some point in order to try to gain access to some of the treasures available there, such as: the special resources and knowledge, the opportunity to bargain with mighty orc and goblin champions and the chance to gain the souls of powerful members of the Northern Alliance and particularly The Theocracy. Some may even wish to bargain with the Khan's new elvish allies...